Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Renegade Network Marketing

If you have been a network marketer, let me ask you some questions... and be honest when you answer them:

#1: Do you despise bugging your family, your friends and people who are just praying that you won't bring up your "business" opportunity?

#2: Are you tired of hounding prospects who you know couldn't care less about your business?

#3: Are you sick of being told to "Just do more of it!" when it's obvious that what you're supposed to be doing more of never worked in the first place!?

#4: Have you been hard at it for months (even years) without seeing any real, significant results? (Some in our industry would call this "delayed gratification," but I've got a different word for it and it's a lot shorter... )

You see, the odds are very good that you're banging your head against a wall right now trying to build your network marketing business. The odds are also very good that you're needlessly doing so.

Just imagine what things would be like for you if...

Rather than spending half your time with people who can't wait to hang up on you, you had pre-qualified prospects coming to you asking you for more information.

What if instead of being viewed as some nut pushing their "pyramid scheme," people actually respected your opinion and valued your advice?

What would you give to wake up every morning, check your inbox, and find a fresh new batch of emails and voicemails waiting for your response?

What would you give to have people call you and say: "Hey, can I do what you're doing?"

What would that be worth to your business? Wouldn't that dramatically accelerate your results?

You bet it would. And all it takes is a simple shift in the way you think about what you do.

See how you can revolutionize your approach to network marketing here:

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